Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Important message from Mark Guindon

The Bathurst Curling Club is now a member of the Greater Bathurst Chamber of Commerce.
In so being , if you have a child attending post secondary school this fall, you may be eligible for this scholarship.
Mark Guindon
Bathurst Curling Club

From: Greater Bathurst Chamber of Commerce| Chambre de commerce du Grand Bathurst [mailto:bathcham@nb.aibn.com]
Sent: July-06-10 2:52 PM
To: bathcham@nbnet.nb.ca
Subject: Formulaire de demande -bourse d'étude /scholarship application form

An English Message is Found Below:

Vous trouverez ci-joint le formulaire de demande de la bourse d’étude de la Chambre de commerce. Pour ce formulaire signaler Mark à 548-0873.

Please find attached an application form for the Chamber of Commerce scholarship,
for this form please call Mark at 548-0873.

Have a nice day! Bonne journée à vous tous!

Chambre de commerce du Grand Bathurst/

Greater Bathurst Chamber of Commerce

725 rue du Collège Street, Édifice du CEI Building

Bathurst, NB E2A 4B9

(506) 548-8498 tél./tel.

(506) 548-2200 téléc./fax




Bathurst Chaleur

So much...so close

Tant de richesses, si près

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