Sunday, October 28, 2007

Take the easy path to your curling club

Our address is 209 St Andrew Street and you can drive there, you certainly don't have to climb a mountain such as this one but if you have to; the trip will be worth it.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Our 99 year will be starting on November 12, 2007

Next year we will be celebrating our 100. If you wish to participate on a 100 year committee & celebrations or wish to become part of our 100 year Executive please let us know.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Everybody helps

Our thanks goes out to our other volunteers, Marie and Lorenzo for manning the display and for Lillian who has loaned us curling equipment for our display.

Place Bathurst Mall manning the display

Our thanks to all who help with the display, Jodi, Bud and Gerry, Jim above, Marie and Paul. Much appreciated. Plus we should not forget the settin up help from Emile, Ken and Stephen, Thank you all.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Place Bathurst Mall we thank you

Our thanks to Place Bathurst Mall for giving us this space Thursday and Friday October 18 and 19.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Nouvelles de Curling news

Bonjour et bienvenue!
Une nouvelle saison de curling débute dès le 12 novembre 2007 avec une semaine pré-ouverture porte le nom du pied branlant sur glace (wobble week), gratuite pour tous. Les débuts régulier de ligue commence la semaine du 15 novembere 2007. Enregistrez votre équipe aussitôt que possible. La date-limite est le 14 novembre 2007.

Plusieurs événements sont à prévoir cette saison et nous vous invitons à nous visiter et à consulter le calendrier d’activités affiché au lounge. Vous serez donc en mesure de bien planifier votre saison sportive au Club.

Du 16 au 18 novembre 2007 les jeux jeunes speil en argent comptant auront lieu. Venez encourager nos futures jeunes olympiens et olympiennes!
Vous trouvez à l’endos de cette lettre une demande d’adhésion au Club. Veuillez la completer et l’acheminer à l’adresse ci-dessous, ou encore, venez la deposer au Club lors de l’ouverture de notre saison durant la semaine du pied branlant débutant le 11 novembre 2007.

Si votre compagnie, ou même un groupe de vos ami(e)s, aimeraient former une équipe, vous n’avez qu’a communiquer avec nous et il nous fera plaisir de répondre aux questions.

Cette année continue une soirée pour dames seulment; chaque mercredi de 17:00 à 19:00 heures, diner inclus, tandis que les lundi est pour la ligue concurrentielle.

Pour tous autres renseignements, n’hésitez pas à rejoindre le Club au 546-5665, si aucune réponse s.v.p. laissent un message. Pour des nouvelles du club et des liens à l'actualité et à la météo, visitez notre blog à

Au plaisir de vous revoir sur la glace!

Another curling season will begin on November 12, 2007, starting off with wobble week, a free week of curling for all. Regular league curling begins the following week (Nov. 18, 2007) Register your team as soon as possible, as the deadline is November 14, 2007.
There will be many other events during our curling season; please visit the club; to keep you informed of these events we have posted a calendar of events in the lounge area so you may plan your winter activities in conjunction with your Curling Club Arena.

The Bathurst Open Junior Cashspiel will be held November 16 to 18, 2007. Support our future young Olympians by visiting the club during this Cashspiel.
If your company wishes to form a team in the Industrial/commercial league, please call the club for extra membership forms. The Industrial league has their games on Tuesday and Thursday evening at 7 P.M. If you wish to form a team, but not join the Industrial/commercial League, you may play on other nights. Call the club at 546-5665 for more information, if no answers please leave a message.

Wednesday night “Ladies Only” continues from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. with supper included, while Monday night is for the competitive league.

You will find an application form for the 2007-2008 curling season on the back of this letter. Please complete it and mail to the address below or bring it with you during wobble week. For club news as well as links to news, weather and sports visit our blog at
Looking forward to meeting you on the ice!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Curling Club painted floor

Look at what Alvin did!
Check us out, and keep posted for more news of the up and coming season.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Curling Season coming

But not before Hallowe'en, enjoy the season.

Dress up your Pumpkin and make a display, can you make a pumpkin than looks like a Curling stone?