Sunday, September 18, 2005

Executive Meeting September 2005

Executive Meeting

September 13th, 2005.

Present: Jim Duncan, Guylaine Cote, Emile Babineau, Wayne Aubie, Bob Quinn, Claude LeBlanc

Absent: Mike Kierstead

  • The meeting was called to order at 1910 hrs by President Jim Duncan
  • The Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. It was noted that executive members Alcide Doucet, Ken Brown and Robert Beaudet have had to withdraw from the executive for business and personal reasons: Replacements will be sought.
  • President’s Report. Jim reported a successful year and covered the financial aspects of the past year, prior to Guylaine taking over. Copy attached.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Guylaine reported available funds of $9,577.31 on hand. A printed report was not available as the posting of information has yet to be completed. A report will be available next regular meeting.
  • Bar: Chairperson Bob Quinn reported on the inventory just completed and on the need to find bar staff for the season: Particularly Monday and Thursday. A meeting with beer rep’s should be held before the end of the month.
  • House and Ice: In Ken’s absence, Emile reported on House and Ice (See attached reports). The rubber dam protecting the North door will be left in place until after the next Spring melt when it will be evaluated. Alvin has painted the Compressor House equipment and the surplus equipment in the room needs removed (Jim to contact Ken for direction). There are only two items outstanding from the Insurance inspection. These will be dealt with in the near future. Reports are attached covering the Table and Chairs storage and the ice shed doors. The Ladies Bridge Club contributed $200 toward supplies. Jim informed the committee that the CCA grant had been refused and there was further discussion of the question of furniture. This was tabled to another time as there are more pressing concerns in getting the season underway. The ‘Furniture Committee’ will be reinstated. Ice was requested to be available October 27th/28th.
  • Membership: Claude will work with Wayne to draw up a schedule of events to be used in promoting the season. Claude to consider placing two x ½ page advertisements in the Northern Light. Help will be required with distribution of applications. Claude to work with Bob on printing and mailing strategies. Jim/Bob to obtain $100 of stamps and 150 Envelopes. It was suggested, and approved that the Smurfit Stone players from last year be offered free curling for this season.
  • Match: Bathurst Open Junior Cashspiel will be held November 18th to 21st. A Bathurst Open Adult Cashspiel will be held December 2nd to 4th. The season will open with a Halloween Funspiel. The committee is to investigate the possibility of adding a snack/Hors D’Oeuvres addition to Monday or another night, possibly as an incentive to becoming a full member. Provision of a locker with membership was also discussed in this regard.
  • New Business: The Fall meeting will be held November 7th. The idea of a prepayment plan for memberships should be raised with members for possible implementation next year. Other clubs and Aliant to be contacted regarding cost of Internet and we should consider use of during bonspiels. The club, particularly the Ladies washroom, to be thoroughly cleaned for the start of the season: This was accompanied by Wayne’s observation that ours is one of the cleanest clubs he has been in. Guylaine has investigated obtaining a Debit Card for the club which would permit us to get an account balance at any time. Jim and Emile to sign off on this.
  • Next Meeting: October 5th at 7 p.m.
  • Motion to Adjourn: Proposed, seconded and approved at 21:00 hrs.

Respectfully submitted
Jim Duncan

Summer Projects Report

E. Babineau

  • Repair Compressor House Roof : Completed: $2,350
  • Installation of conveyor belting around North wall and door, grading of North and East sides of building : Completed
  • Storage building begun but stopped by building inspector.
  • Storage constructed along sheet #5 for tables, chairs etc.
  • Ladies Bridge Club paid for:
  • Obtain and install insulated doors to ice shed
  • Repair Ice Shed screen door
  • Install concrete blocks on wheelchair ramp Paint, packing gravel and sundries
  • Paint Ice Plant
  • Correct Insurance inspection deficiencies

Rentals as of September 13th

E. Babineau

  • Jujy 27th: Jonathan Degrace Chair rental ($40)
  • July 29th : Chip Glendenning, Hall rental ($115)
  • August 12th : Greg Devereaux, Hall rental & bar ($86.25)
  • September 15th : Yoga, 1 session Monday, 2 sessions Wednesday @ $25/session
  • September 17th : Linda Sullivan, Hall rental & bar ($115)
  • September 17th Aloma Jardine, Chairs & Tables rental ($106.95)
  • December 10th UCT Hall rental & bar.
  • January 21, 2006, Curl for Cancer Hall donated, bar.
  • April 2006 Falconbridge Smelter Hall rental & bar.

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